Welcome valued stakeholder,
The Black Deer Foundation is proud to be partnering with you as a professional judge in our competition this year. Please take time to review and judge all submissions made by this year's participants.
Rules of Competition

1. Art/ Cartoon is to be done on a 14” by 17” in size.

2. Any medium can be used for art (poster paint, crayon, colored pencils, etc.).

3. Art pieces must reflect the competition theme.

4. Work must be neatly done to be accepted.

5. Schools can enter as many pieces in each group.

6. All artwork should be mounted on a Bristol board.

7. The school has from the opening of the competition to the 4th of May to complete and submit their artwork entries.

8. All art will be uploaded to the teacher.

9. Art chosen for final judging will be delivered to the school to be dropped off to the judge.

8. All art pieces become the property of BpTT.

9. The decision of the judge is final.

Judging Criteria

1. Originality

2. Visual attractiveness

3. Clarity of message

4. Relevance to the theme

Student Entries
Princes Town West Secondary

Ashleia Sampath

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission

Fadilah Dookhie

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission

Brad Lee Ramnarine

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission

Faith Nagessar

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission

Makayla Vialva

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission

Jayce Harper

Princes Town West Secondary School

View Submission
Barrackpore West Secondary

Tamia Vincent

Barrackpore West Secondary School

View Submission

Tiffany Mohammed

Barrackpore West Secondary Schooll

View Submission

Zariyah Ali

Barrackpore West Secondary School

View Submission

The Black Deer Foundation is always thankful to every stakeholder, local and foreign partner, as well as the members of its community. We express great pride in the confidence each person, organization and government body places in our efforts to continue to serve the greater good for the benefit of all persons.

The Black Deer Foundation is a non-profit organization registered within the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.


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